Korea Halal Authority Corp. | TEL.1800-9146 | FAX. 042-471-0773 | Address : 4F, Joongdong Tower, 600, Daejeoncheondong-ro, Dong-gu, Daejeon city, Korea
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Home > Halal Certification > Summary
From now on, no need to get a Halal certification from abroad and can get a Halal training, auditing and certification in Korea at a time.
Category codes | Categories | Examples of category |
A | Farming 1 (Animals) | animals, fish, egg production, mlik production, beekeeping, fishing, hunting, trapping |
B | Farming 2 (Plants) | fruits, vegetables, cereals, spice, horticultural products |
C | Processing 1 (Perishable animal products) | including all activities after farming, e.g. slaughtering meat, poultry, eggs,dairy and fish products |
D | Processing 2 (Perishable vegetable products) | fresh fruits and fresh juices, preserved fruits, fresh vegetables, preserved vegetables |
E | Processing 3 (products with long shelf life at ambient temperature) | canned products, biscuits, snacks, oil, drinking water, beverage, pasta, flour, sugar, salt |
F | Feed production | animal feed, fish feed |
G | Catering | hotels, restaurants |
H | Distribution | retail outlets, shops, wholesalers |
I | Services | water supply, cleaning, sewage, waste disposal, development of product, process and equipment, veterinary services, lslamic financial services |
J | Transport and storage | Transport and storage |
K | Equipment manufacturing | additives,dietary supplements, cleaning agents, processing aids, bio-cultures and microorganisms |
L | ((Bio)chemical manufacturing | proess equipment, vending machines |
M | Packaging material manufaturing | Packaging material |
N | Other materials manufacturing | cosmetics, textile, leather products ect. |